Renew your youth

Let us guide you through the renewal process!

Step 1

Prepare for Renewal

Let's cover everything you need to have ready for renewal, and how to access MyScouts.

Step 2

Renew Each Youth

In this step you'll select the youth(s) you would like to renew for 2025, and validate the section they belong to.

Step 3

Accept Agreements

You'll have the option to indiciate volunteer roles, and will need to accept the various agreements.

Step 4

Complete Payment

Complete your payment for the youth(s) 2025 Scouting membership, and print your receipt.

Step #3


Now that you’ve selected your youth for renewal, you’ll have the option to select volunteer roles you can perform. You’ll also need to read and agree to several agreements covering refunds, medical, and privacy policies.

Can you Help?

Even if you’re not able to join as a Scouter, our group is entirely comprised of volunteers – we can’t run without them!

We encourage parents to volunteer for any roles they may be interested in, whether administrations, comms, or if you have particiular skills that you would enjoy passing on.

Please take a few minutes to carefully review them!

Demonstration of how to select a child to renew

Review Agreements

Scouts Canada has several agreements that you must review and agree to, in order to proceed.

These include:

  • Scouts Canada Participant Agreement
  • Registration Terms and Refund Policy of Scouts Canada
  • Scouts Canada’s Medical Policy
  • Scouts Canada Privacy Policy
Signed the agreements?Then it's time to....Make Payment